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Ben Savage is running for Congress
March 6th, 2023 under Fred and Ben Savage. [ Comments: none ]

Last year, Ben Savage ran for West Hollywood Neighborhood Council and lost. So now he is running for the US House of Representatives. The actor is hoping to fill Adam Schiff’s seat because the Congressman is running for Senate.

The Boy Meets World star wrote why he is running:

Together, we can do better.

I am a proud Californian, union member and longtime resident of District 30 who comes from a family of unwavering service to our country and community.

I firmly believe in standing up for what is right, ensuring equality and expanding opportunities for all.

I’m running for Congress because it’s time to restore faith in government by offering reasonable, innovative and compassionate solutions to our country’s most pressing issues.

And it’s time for new and passionate leaders who can help move our country forward. Leaders who want to see the government operating at maximum capacity, unhindered by political divisions and special interests.

Please join our movement!

I feel for my friends who live in District 30 because they deserve better. But who knows, maybe Savage will prove himself to be the perfect candidate.

But, until then, I am relieved that I live in District 29 and that Tony Cárdenas is my House Representative.


Ben Savage wants to run for US Congress
January 19th, 2023 under Fred and Ben Savage. [ Comments: none ]

Ben for WeHo

Ben Savage ran for West Hollywood’s City Council in November and lost.

So you would think that his days in politics were over. They are not. The actor wants to run for Adam Schiff’s seat if the House Representative for US Congress becomes a US Senator, according to TMZ.

Schiff’s district California 30, includes Hollywood, West Hollywood, and Burbank; I can’t see those residents voting for him. That is unless he is the only option. But if Schiff becomes a Senator, I have a feeling his seat will see a lot of people running for it because he has held it for so long, and it is a populist and popular district.

So I predict it will be Boy Meets Loss again, especially if my friends who live in that area have a say. And boy, am I thankful I live a few blocks to the west, so I don’t have to vote for him. Not that I wouldn’t vote for an actor. I just wouldn’t vote for one who has no political experience.

Would you vote for him?


Ben Savage meets girl, asks her to marry him
January 13th, 2023 under Fred and Ben Savage. [ Comments: none ]

We watched Ben Savage marry Topanga on Boy Meets World, but we never saw the actor get married in real life.

However, that is going to change because Savage proposed to Tessa Angermeier this week in Owensville, Indiana, and she said yes!

The couple started dating in 2018.


BTWF: Ben Savage on The Wonder Years
August 23rd, 2022 under Before They Were Famous, Fred and Ben Savage. [ Comments: none ]

Before cupid struck Ben Savage on Boy Meets World, he was cupid on The Wonder Years. How awwwwwdorable was the 9-year-old in that 1990 episode?


Ben Savage meets politics
August 23rd, 2022 under Fred and Ben Savage. [ Comments: 12 ]

I don’t know about you, but I don’t remember the last time I saw Ben Savage. However, the actor is making news because he is running for City Council in West Hollywood.

The Boy Meets World star is so serious about it that he created a website and explained why he is running. “I am running for City Council because there are serious challenges ahead and West Hollywood deserves sensible, honest and strong leadership to face them,” he wrote, “I’m a longtime resident, union member and concerned citizen who believes West Hollywood deserves leaders who will deliver results. The city is facing serious challenges around public safety, struggling businesses, inflation and the cost of housing. We need new leaders with a fresh perspective who are ready to begin tackling these issues.”

I am impressed by how much he is doing to get elected. All I am doing is asking my neighbors to vote for me. But I live in a tiny town, and he lives in a major city.

If you lived in WeHo, would you vote for him?


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