Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Steve Harvey
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Not such a family friendly answer for Family Feud!
March 8th, 2011 under Steve Harvey. [ Comments: none ]

The Steve Harvey version of Family Feud is not the same one your parents knew and it is not his fault. The host has been stuck with questions that lead to answers that aren’t very family friendly. The latest question that led to an answer that will leave you shaking is, “Name something for which a woman might have a special hiding place for?” Well she answered what my sick perverted mind was thinking…”Sex Toys” and with that she won that round! Granted the Standards and Practices substituted adult with sex, but we all got the idea!
BTW now that I think about, I bummed she didn’t say her large d!ldo or v!brator…


Steve Harvey sleeps better clutching himself!
February 8th, 2011 under Steve Harvey. [ Comments: none ]

Steve Harvey asked, “When people fall asleep at night, name something that they are still clutching in their hand?” on Family Feud. The first few answers were safe and then one of the contestants answered with “themselves.” At first he remained calm after her response, but when the answer was on the board and titled as “appendage”, he lost it. He went off on a hilarious rant that ended with Russell the Wonder Muscle. Too bad the good stuff wasn’t safe for air, but luckily it is safe for YouTube because it had me laughing!


Only 8 people passed around a joint?
February 3rd, 2011 under Steve Harvey. [ Comments: none ]

One of the things I love about watching Family Feud is when the people on the show answer a question just as morally wrong as I did when I heard Steve Harvey ask the question. The question that had me answering the same thing as the contestant was “Name something that gets passed around.” Well the guy buzzed in and said “joint.” To me I think that should be the #1 answer because what else do people pass around? Well I guess I was wrong because only 8 people answered the question that way. What is wrong with those people? What else do you pass around?


Family Feud is cracking up!
February 2nd, 2011 under Steve Harvey. [ Comments: none ]

Steve Harvey is beginning to learn there are cracks in the show he is hosting. The Family Feud host asked the question, “Name a type of crack.” Well both families went for the obvious answers…”Crack Head” and “Butt Crack”!!! I wonder what is tougher for Harvey, asking those type of questions or hearing what his ex-wife said about him on YouTube.


Matthew McConaughey was in Home Alone?
January 20th, 2011 under Matthew McConaughey, Steve Harvey. [ Comments: none ]

Steve Harvey was hosting Family Feud and he asked “Name a celebrity whose wife or girlfriend seems way out of his league?” The contestant responded with “Matthew McConaughey” and Harvey was like the “little boy from Home Alone?” I am sure when the show ended and his staff showed him a picture of the actors side-by-side, and when he realized how the two look nothing alike he found out what a big mistake he made.


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