If you (male or female) were asked “Name a subject on which the last thing a man wants advice from a woman?”, your first answer would be S-E-X, right? Well when Steve Harvey asked that very same question on Family Feud to two men their responses were “sleeping” and “eating”; and for some reason those answers were not on the board. Well Steve was so horrified by their bad answers, he gave the contestants crap for it and the question was scrapped from the show.
In the men’s defense, I am sure they chose their answers because if they answered it correctly they were going to get plenty advice from the women in their life that they didn’t want to hear.
Ever wonder what happens when both contestants from competing families don’t get an answer on the board on Family Feud? Well thanks to this clip, we get to see the answer! Recently Steve Harvey asked, “Name something a hotel bolts down so guests can’t remove them?” Well the first lady said, “Safe” and that answer wasn’t safe. Then the next lady said, “sink” and than answer sank faster than the Titanic. So after Steve sent then back to their families, he asked for a new question and told everyone in the audience they were getting a do over. Too bad, I would prefer they went on to see what else the families thought were nailed down in hotel rooms, you know like towels, shampoo bottles and the bible to name a few.
I thought in the olden days when that happened, the host went the next two family members until someone got an answer on the board.
The Jones family was playing Family Feud when Steve Harvey asked them “Name something you do at work that you wouldn’t want your boss to see?” for the steal. And Anitra stole all of her male co-workers’ hearts when she said with excitement, “We’re going with sex Steve!!!” The host almost fell over with the answer and her family is like good answer. It was a great answer, but sadly they didn’t get any points for that winning answer…:(
Family Feud asks some weird questions, and they deserve to have equally weird answers to go with them. And I get really bummed when they ask something and the obvious answers are not on the board.
The latest such example is when Steve Harvey asked, “Name something dogs do a lot of during the dog days of summer?” What do you think answer should be? Sh!t, right? Well that is what the contestant said and when Harvey turned around to see how people the show surveyed agreed with her, the big red X appeared. Seriously who are they surveying because that was the first answer that came to my head and I am sure yours too. I mean it is the obvious answer, no?
BTW the second thing that came to my mind was that Florence and the Machine song, but that is neither here nor there.
Family Feud has been asking some risque questions on the newest version of the show and I think this might be one of their top ones. They asked “Where does a nudist carry their car keys?” Now the question might not that be bad, but it leads to the answer that both host Steve Harvey and I were thinking of. And that answer leads to the butt of all jokes!!!
BTW my other answer only works for men and it is opposite of the answer given that causes Harvey to go off on a little demonstration.
Now in all seriousness, “Where does a nudist carry their car keys?”