Family Feud asks some questions on the show that sometimes leads to answers that are not very family friendly. Well now they asked a question that shows just how friendly a family can be. Steve Harvery asked, “When you were a kid name something you used as a partner to practice kissing?” Without hesitation the guy rang in and with his head down in shame he said, “Sister.” Well of course Steve didn’t let it go and I am sure neither will anyone that knows the contestant and his sibling.
But the best part of the whole thing is that he is not alone because several other people committed incest like he did. Boy am I glad that I am an only child after watching this clip.
Now when it comes to the rest of the answers, they were what everyone else used. What is the weirdest thing you used to practice kissing?
Family Feud decided to ask the question, “Name something that Judge Judy might be wearing under her robe?” Well the guy answered what we were all thinking, but that is not what made it so funny. He couldn’t remember the word for bra, so instead he acted out in a way that Steve Harvey wasn’t going to let it slip how bad it was what he was doing. Watch that video and see if you think that guy will be going to second base any time soon? I don’t think so…
During the Fast Money Round on Family Feud, you only have seconds to come up with the perfect answer. If you are the second family member going up in the round, your answer already might’ve been taken so you really have to go with the first thing that pops in your head. That answer might leave you embarrassed and being the butt of all jokes with your friends when the episode airs. And that is exactly what happened to Rocco when Steve Harvey asked him, “Name a job that is dirty, but someone has to do it?” His first response was plumber, but that answer was already taken. So when he tried again as the clock was nearing zero, he said “gynecologist”. It wasn’t as much his answer that was perfect, it was face after he realized the word that just came out of his mouth. Then a few seconds later, to see Harvey’s face just made that response even more priceless.
Sadly no one surveyed agreed with Rocco. I think they should’ve at least have given one point for effort, don’t you agree? Seriously I play Family Feud on my iPad every day and let me tell you that Fast Money Round is hard and makes you say things you never thought you would say.
Family Feud makes it so that the contestants might give a TMI answer and that is exactly what happened when Steve Harvey asked, “Name something men do to their looks that you would never admit to a friend?” Well Chris excitedly and confidently said, “Shave your private parts.” Sadly the guy revealed something he does for no reason at all because his family member had already answered the question with Manscaping. That has to be embarrassing. Imagine what it is going to be like for him at family affairs. Even worse, imagine what it is going to be like for him when he goes to the bathroom. You know the other guys are going to check his privates to see if they are shaved.
Family Feud actually asked the contestants “Name an occupation filled with sweaty sexy men?” Sounds a little risque and it turned out to be just that for one woman who tried so innocently to answer the question by saying “dancers, you know, who take it off” as she gyrated her hips. Steve Harvey saw the way she was moving, so he had to ask if she had ever seen them dance in person. Before she answered, she looked at her husband at the other end, saw his reaction and was “like no, not at all”. Well I am sure she had a lot of explaining to do on the plane ride home, which I am sure was the longest one she has ever been on!
Hopefully her husband had a good sense of humor about and actually got her a personal stripper as a way saying it is OK that she went to a strip club!