A makeover on the Steve Harvey show go horrifically wrong! |
October 28th, 2013 under Steve Harvey. [ Comments: none ]
This Halloween on the Steve Harvey’s show the audience dresses up and a lucky few will get the ultimate costume makeover. One family was chosen to dress as the Munsters and let’s just say not everyone liked seeing their dad as Frankenstein. The two youngest kids clutched to their mother and cried when they saw father all dressed up for the holiday. And by the patriarch’s facial expression, it looks like he wants to cry too because he didn’t mean to horrify his kids like that. Either that or he just realized that sleeping alone and through the night is not something he is going to be doing in the future because his children will be up with nightmares for at least the next few nights.
BTW I really love his costume even though his offspring didn’t.
Family Feud runied Santa Claus! |
October 7th, 2013 under Steve Harvey. [ Comments: none ]
Family Feud asked, “Did you ever stop to think that maybe Mrs Claus is only with Santa for the what?” Well Quintin half-haphazardly said, “The Ding-a-ling, Steve?” Of course his family clapped and said it was good answer, as Steve Harvey shock his head him shame. Then the host made the mistake of asking, “In all of the bedtime stories you have heard about Santa, which one did you hear that made you think that Santa was all that?” To which he said he was guessing. So Steve responded with, “Let me think what line could make you think that?” Then Quintin’s wife came to her husband’s defense and said, “Ho, ho, ho!” At that moment Harvey looked like his whole childhood was erased and he was saddened and ashamed of her answer.
Now even though it is all types of wrong, I so love everything about it. Especially the part when the answer was on the board. That’s right, “Naughty Nookie” was there. Guess we know what Mrs Claus got for Christmas? Santa’s candy cane!
Steve Harvey tries Prancercise and gets Twerked! |
September 27th, 2013 under Steve Harvey. [ Comments: none ]
Steve Harvey had the Prancercise Queen, Joanna Rohrback, on his self-titled daytime talk show and he tried out her exercise phenomenon. His reaction to it, is the best one I have seen yet. But that was only when wasn’t facing her head on.
And on that note when they stopped prancing like horses, they danced like Miley Cyrus thinks she can and went butt to butt. Although at one point she did something that led to him wanting to take shower as soon as the cameras stopped rolling. Poor Steve.
BTW it just hit that between Prancercise and Psy’s Gangnan Style, it has been a really bad year for horses.
Family Feud has even more names for the pen!s this season! |
September 12th, 2013 under Steve Harvey. [ Comments: none ]
Family Feud is back with a whole new season this Monday and looks like the writers spent the time off coming up with even more names for the male genitals just so they don’t have to use the clinical term, pen!s. One of the first ones on the board is “Floppy Footlong” and I can’t wait to see what else they come up with throughout the year. I don’t know what is more fun; learning new words for the schlong or Steve Harvey’s reaction to the names they create. I am going with they both have equal footing like something else men have two of around the “Floppy Footlong.”
BTW I guess the Shaheed’s have a one track mind because Jasmin wasn’t the only family member who answered a question referencing the male member. Watch why Nneka gave that loaded answer on the game show.
This Family Feuder thinks Brad Pitt has a bigger pen!s than him! |
August 12th, 2013 under Steve Harvey. [ Comments: none ]
Steve Harvey asked the contestants on Family Feud, “We talked to 100 men, what’s Brad Pitt got that you don’t have?” Without hesitation Paul said, “A bigger pen!s!” Well that left everyone in his family embarrassed, but he still held his head up as the game show host made fun of him for that answer.
Even though it was not on the board, Harvey was glad that the family came back on the show because of the joy their answers give him and us too.
BTW even though Steve and Paul have not seen those nude pictures of Brad Pitt, it seems like those 100 men have! I mean he’s no Jon Hamm.
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