The thing I love most about Family Feud is that is a family show that sometimes might not be so family friendly.
For example, Steve Harvey asked, “Name something that you don’t care if it is fake as long as it looks good?” Shayne buzzed in and said, “A woman” Then he elaborated, “parts.” The judges wanted him to be more specific, so he was when he added, “Boobs!” What makes the answer even funnier is that he is a Gospel artist, and I am sure his fellow artists will make him sing Amazing Grace as penance.
Especially since the answer was only the third on the board. I guess they surveyed more women than men!
Family Feud is back for season #40 and that rhymes with dirty, sort of. Dirty is the type of answer Miss Shelia gave when Steve Harvey asked, “We asked 100 married women, name something you might ask the Wizard of Oz to give your husband?” She excitingly buzzed in but nervously said, “A bigger thing.”
Now you would think that would be the #1 answer and yet it wasn’t even on the board. What is wrong, or should I say, what did these 100 married women do right to have husband’s who all have huge schlongs?
Today Family Feud begins its 40th, yes the Big 4-0 season. If this answer is any clue on how this season is going to be,it is going to be a real Tripp.
Steve Harvey asked the contestants, “Name something that some people love to have on when they are making love?” Beth told the host, “Props like handcuffs?”
Then Harvey asked Tripp if that is what he is talking about and if that was his answer. Tripp responded with, “That is always my answer. I like to feel vulnerable.”
Then he realized what he just said, but it was too late and the safe word could not save him.
I am glad someone took the handcuffs off of Family Feud, because I am so excited for a new season of answers like this one.
Steve Harvey asked the contestants on Family Feud, “Name a place a really dumb guy might stick his finger?” Lauren told him, “He might stick it…in a butthole.” The shocked host told her, “I just need to know the activity. What is he doing? What do you think?” She then revealed to him, “There are a couple of things.” To which the host said, “This is more interesting than I thought.” It definitely got more interesting indeed, as she explained, “Well one, is like he could be making love and be dumb and slip.” All he could say was, “Jesus, I did not know she would go, oops!”
Ladies, we have all been there. So much so, we should all give Lauren a High 5 for sharing that annoying “accident” men seem to do on national television. Although, if we are being honest, it normally isn’t his finger that is slipping into the wrong whole.
Back to Harvey, his expressions throughout it all, were priceless!
Steve Harvey asked the contestant on Family Feud, “Name something a college kid might buy with the money his parents send him for food?” Angela went with the obvious answer, “pizza,” and it was the fourth answer on the board. Therefore, it was college student’s turn, and Michael proudly said, “drugs!” He denied that is what he would do with the money, but you have to wonder? Especially since his whole family and him got so excited when the answer was up there.
Leave it to Family Feud where saying something taboo can get the whole family jumping for joy!