Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Eugene and Daniel Levy
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BTWF ads: Eugene Levy for Diet Tab
March 8th, 2018 under American Pie, Eugene and Daniel Levy. [ Comments: none ]

Before Eugene Levy was up Schitt’s Creek, he was down for Diet Tab. Even when he was 30 years old in that 1977 commercial, he had those distinctive eyebrows that always let you know it is him.


Eugene Levy watched his son’s sex scene in person
May 26th, 2016 under American Pie, Conan O'Brien, Eugene and Daniel Levy. [ Comments: none ]

Dan Levy was up Schitt’s Creek when he had to film a sex scene for the show. That’s because his dad Eugene Levy, who also stars on the show, came down to the set to watch it.
Conan O’Brien, like everyone else, was thinking why did the dad watch that in person, so he asked him that very question on his TBS show yesterday. The son revealed that his dad is like a “Dance Mom” who is proud to watch his kid at work. But the dad claims that he is a producer on the show and that is why he was there standing over him as he filmed it. Although his father admitted, “I’m not saying it wasn’t a little creepy. But, you know, it is kind of an icky thing when you are, you know, watching your kid doing a bed scene.” Then again, I am sure the kid has seen his dad go at in the American Pie movies, so they are even. Just not a thing you want to be even on.


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