"Star Trek: Voyager"’s JERI RYAN revealed at the Pasadena press tour for her new CBS series, "Shark," that she definitely has something to be out of this world about. The 38-year-old beauty is engaged to beau CHRISTOPHE EMÉ. The two are partners in Ortolan, a restaurant where Emé is the chef. "He brought me home, covered my eyes and took me up to the bedroom" she told reporters. "He had candles lit everywhere and champagne on ice. He had gotten this huge 4-foot by 3-foot canvas and painted it with words that said in French: ‘And you come with me forever.The romantic Emé also put a photograph of the two of them together at the bottom of the canvas with the words "Toi and Moi" [you and me in French].Ryan says that the wedding will probably be sometime next June in the Loire Valley of France, "That’s when the rugby World Cup is in Paris," she points out. "You know I am in love when I’m planning a wedding around a sporting event.Ryan’s 12-year-old son from a previous marriage will walk her down the aisle.
Entertainment Tonight
Part of me wonders if she is talking about her engagement at Press Tour and not the show, is the show that bad?