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Bloopers from The Dick Van Dyke Show!
February 27th, 2008 under Bloopers, Dick Van Dyke. [ Comments: none ]

via Classic Television Blog
Who knew they made blooper reels back then, but I am glad they did! I really loved The Dick Van Dyke Show and always wondered what it would be like when they messed up because it seemed like such a fun set…now we know it really was!!!
Why can’t they make more shows like this one? Maybe then there would be more sitcoms on the air today!


What do Dick Van Dyke and Eric Dane have in common?
October 23rd, 2006 under Dick Van Dyke, Shonda Rhimes. [ Comments: none ]

Have you noticed that the name of Eric Dane’s character on Grey’s Anatomy, a doctor, has the same name as another famous TV doctor? Dane’s character is named Dr. Mark Sloan, which was also the name of Dick Van Dyke’s character on Diagnosis: Murder. Is the name a tribute to Van Dyke’s character? No, it’s not, according to an ABC publicist. Just one of those funny coincidences. Which is probably a good thing, since fans won’t want to think of Dick Van Dyke wearing only a towel around his waist. Of course, now that I’ve put that image in your head, how can you not think of it the next time you see him?

TV Squad 

I had not notice that before, but boy is that cool!


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