Vanessa Williams is already going for her Desperate Housewives co-star’s throat! |
September 3rd, 2010 under Desperate Housewives. [ Comments: 3 ]

Eva Longoria Parker Facebooked this picture of her newest co-star Vanessa Williams and her on the set of Desperate Housewives and it didn’t take long for the former Miss America to go for one of her co-stars throats. I wonder what it was like for her on the Ugly Betty set, if it only took her a few weeks to have this reaction on Wisteria Lane.
Obviously I am joking and the two Housewives get along perfectly because here is what Gabby Tweeted about the picture with her new neighbor, “Just another day at the office with Vanessa Williams!”
James Denton with his kids made me smile! |
August 12th, 2010 under Desperate Housewives. [ Comments: none ]

James Denton took his two kids to the “Smiles Across America” Campaign Launch With Chris O’Donnell and it made me smile seeing him with them! Seriously how cute is that picture of him with his son Sheppard, 7 and his daughter Malin O’Brien, 5? I love that picture of Malin kissing her Desperate Daddy.
Teri Hatcher bares all!!! |
August 11th, 2010 under Desperate Housewives, Teri Hatcher. [ Comments: 1 ]

Teri Hatcher posted these pictures of herself on Facebook fresh out of the shower to prove she is still (mostly) a natural beauty. Here are some comments the 45 year old Desperate Housewife put with the pictures.
“Out of the bath getting ready for bed. Thought about all those damn critics of my face. Love it or hate it, my face that is, no surgery, no implants, no matter what “they” say. Decided I’d shoot myself in to reveal some truths about “beauty” and hope it makes you all easier on yourself.”
“Did I every toy with fillers or Botox over the years? yes. Tell me does this look Botoxed to you?
Yes I am alone in my bathroom naked in a towel on behalf of women everywhere trying to make a point. Women YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL”
“Oh look I can raise my eyebrows and wrinkles show up on my forehead.”
“I can be mad, or confused or sad and tired. Julia Roberts had that same vein in her forehead in Eat Pray Love. Proud of Julia for being a real woman on a real journey.”
“I can really rough you up. I can also look like a monkey if I put grapes in my upper lip. It’s really funny. I have to say I cant remember ever being upset enough to look like this, but I’m just making or shall I say “under LINING” a point.”
“45 year old me. Just me wanting to teach that all those glam versus trash pictures of celebs are about LIGHTING. It’s not makeup it’s not suregery or botox its LIGHT. Flat front light in you face especially sun setting 4pm light blows out all wrinkles and imperfections. Over head light, sun anything casts shadows under your eye from your brow making you look tired. Shoot all family reunion photos that way over the camera man who should be holding the camera a little higher than your eye line.”
Wow, I respect the sh!t out of her for doing that! Teri Hatcher is a naturally gorgeous woman and these pictures prove she is just as beautiful on the inside as she on the outside because there are not many actresses over 40 let alone 25 that who would do what she did. Heck I don’t even leave my house without makeup.
Eva Longoria cops a feel of Teri Hatcher’s boob! |
August 9th, 2010 under Desperate Housewives, Teri Hatcher. [ Comments: 1 ]

Eva Longoria Parker posted this picture on Facebook and explained it by saying, “I tripped this morning and the only thing I held onto was teri’s boob! Thank God they’re real and they’re spectacular! Ha!” So I wonder if after reading that if Eva’s husband Tony Parker has to worry that something my happen between his wife and her Desperate Housewives co-star Teri Hatcher? I doubt it, but at least he has a picture to help him when he is playing thos away games and Eva is here filming her ABC show.
BTW how many boys are happy to that Eva reviewed Teri’s boobs by saying they are real and spectacular?
Eva Longoria is foiled |
August 2nd, 2010 under Desperate Housewives. [ Comments: none ]

So Eva Longoria was showing off that she could be a good Desperate Housewife and cook for her husband Tony Parker. So did she not know that you are suppose to wrap your food and not hair in foil. Actually she did because along with posting the picture on Facebook she said, “Do ya think I’m a Desperate Housewife? Cooking and getting my hair colored at the same time! Ha!”
For some reason I think that was just her doing a photo-op pretending that she cooks because let’s be real who here really think she prepare a meal for her husband? Even one as simple as spaghetti.
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