David Hasselhoff cheats on Knight Rider? |
May 25th, 2012 under David Hasselhoff/Baywatch. [ Comments: none ]

David Hasselhoff was seen posing with a car at The Gumball 3000 International Car Rally and that automobile was not his BBF Knight Rider. So I have to wonder if Michael Knight was cheating on his loyal buddy or if the Pontiac Trans-Am said it would be OK if he helped to promote a four-wheeled friend? Hopefully the latter because I couldn’t handle if they broke it Hoff.
Who knew celebrity greeting cards come with the celebrity? |
April 26th, 2012 under David Hasselhoff/Baywatch. [ Comments: none ]

We have seen greeting cards that when you open them up a picture pops up or it plays music, well there is a new card that when you open it up the celebrity that is on the front comes out of the card. The first card in the series features David Hasselhoff and as a promotion they are half-Hoff. Just Baywatch the cost of the stamp when you send it to a friend.
Are David Hasselhoff and Hayley Roberts getting married very soon? |
March 28th, 2012 under David Hasselhoff/Baywatch. [ Comments: 20 ]

Back on January 30th, David Hasselhoff Tweeted pictures of him proposing to his girlfriend Hayley Roberts and made it seem like she said yes. Since then I have never heard them confirm or deny the news, so I wasn’t sure if they were going to tie the knot. That is until today because his fiancee Tweeted, “I’m getting married in the morning ding dong the bells are gonna chime….get me to the church on time :-)” So I wonder if that is her way of saying that she is walking down the aisle with her Knight Rider today (since it is still morning here) or very very soon in Vancouver? I mean what else could that Tweet mean?
If there is a wedding, I hope that the third time is the charm for The Hoff!!!
On no David Hasselhoff is multiplying |
February 16th, 2012 under David Hasselhoff/Baywatch. [ Comments: none ]

I thought the world already had its full of David Hasselhoff with just the man itself, but I guess that wasn’t enHoff. Yesterday The Hoff Tweeted the above photo and said, “You’ve heard of The three tenors Come see The Three Hoffs Indigo theater march 2 nd!! Kitt will be there too!!” and all I could think is oh sh!t, he is multiplying. It is like someone poured water on the Mogwai and fed him after midnight and now we have three of him to swoon us with his music. Let’s hope it stops there because I don’t think we can handle any more of him.
Do David Hasselhoff and Hayley Roberts have something to tell us? |
January 30th, 2012 under David Hasselhoff/Baywatch, Do they have something to tell us?. [ Comments: none ]

David Hasselhoff Tweeted the above pictures and it looks like his girlfriend Hayley Roberts and have something to tell us. You know like that they are engaged?
Along with the first picture he said, “Tried it again on top of the Sydney harbour bridge!” Then he followed up with the second picture and said, “what do you think she said!?!?!” So it looks the Knight Rider is riding his way into a third marriage. Hopefully it will be a charm for him because they always look so happy together.
BTW I want to see the ring (if they are engaged) because I bet you he got her nice big rock to show off their huge love for each other.
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