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An update from Chris Daughtry about his album
October 8th, 2006 under Daughtry. [ Comments: none ]

So…where do I start? Wow, it’s been awhile since I’ve posted, so that means I have more to talk about. We’re still trying to nail down what the single will be, but as soon as it’s determined, it’ll be on the radio days after. I got to see my family for 6 days and that was awesome. Now I’m back in LA finishing the album. Some of the songs are complete and I have to say when I heard them I got a little choked up. Not to blow my own horn, but they’re absolutely amazing. Without giving anything away, because I’d hate to get anyones hopes up and fail to deliver, some really amazing things will be happening for my career in the next few months. When it’s final you’ll know all the details, but not til then. As you all may know, I was at the CITY OF HOPE event the other night, and Clive Davis approached me with a big hug and told me he was blown away by what he’s heard so far….I don’t know if you know this, but that man is very hard to please when it comes to music, so It felt rewarding to hear that about my songs. Friday night, I was invited to Precilla Presleys house to perform a small acoustic set. It was amazing!! It was a fundraiser for THE DREAM FOUNDATION. It’s kinda like Make A Wish, but for young adults and older.

About the band….well, they’re busy rehearsing the material getting ready for the upcoming promotional stuff. We’ve already done the photo shoot for the album and web site. That was really cool. I can’t let out any info on who made the band right now, but I will say that these guys are awesome. Now that’s all I’ll say about that. You’ll know who they are soon enough.

About…..the label is still woking very hard to get it right, so when it’s right, it’ll be up and running with all the updates.

About pre-ordering the album….PLEASE DO IT!!!! It helps me big time. It does NOT hurt first week of sales. Thanks for being so concerned. You guys are amazing.

As far as the NYC performance on NOV. 21st….not quite 100% confirmed yet, but still a huge possibility. I’ll keep ya posted on that.

I will be performing the National Anthem on Mon. Oct. 16th at the Arizona Cardinals game in Pheonix. I’m not sure if that’s televised.

That’s all I have for now, so be on the lookout for more events because as I find out about them, You’ll know about them. I won’t leave ya hangin’. Thanks again for your patience with the single, the web site, and the album. Ya’ll Rock!! Thanks and God bless!-Chris

Chris Daughtry via MySpace 

I can’t wait to hear this album because you know it is going to be amazing. I just love his voice! 


Update from Chris Daughtry on his album
September 2nd, 2006 under Daughtry. [ Comments: none ]

‘Sup everybody? Here in the Tacoma dome getting ready for tonight. I’ve been back n forth alot from LA to wherever I’m headed next and I’m about head back to LA tomorrow and get back to work on the album. It’s really sounding AMAZING! Josh Freese (A Perfect Circle,Evanescence,etc.) has already layed down the drum tracks…this guy is unreal and my man Phil-X (Zombie, Tommy Lee, etc.) is helping me out with the guitar work, again…this guy is amazing. I feel like I’m repeating myself but seriously, everyone I’m working with in the studio is at the top of their game.-That’s all I have for now. See ya on the road. Gob bless y’all.-Chris via MySpace

I can’t wait to get this album! 


MySpace update from Chris Daughtry
August 19th, 2006 under Daughtry. [ Comments: none ]

‘Sup guys and gals? I’m in the "Windy City" today gettn ready for the show tonight. Trying to stay healthy. I’m over the cold and my voice is hangin’ in there. We’re on ..5 out of 6 shows w/ no day off. That can be a little strenuous on my voice but so far so good. I’m starting pre-production on the album very soon. I’m so excited for y’all to hear the new stuff. I’m lovin’ it. Thanks for all your prayers for me gettin’ well and for me & my family. We’re doing amazing by the way…although it sucks that I don’t get to see ‘em very often. Y’all be good and I hope to see everyone in Chicago tonight. God bless.-Chris

You so have to admire him being sick and still going on! 


Chris Daughtry gives another MySpace update
August 13th, 2006 under Daughtry, Sick Bay. [ Comments: none ]

What’s up guys and gals. As you all know I’vee been fighting the nasty cold that’s goin around, but for some reason you guys make me forget all about that when I’m on stage. I was feelin’ like total crap last night and the second I hit the stage, I was in another world. You all have been showin’ me so much love in every city and I’m so blessed and grateful for that. It’s a gift that I’m able to do this every night and you guys and gals have played a huge part in makin’ this happen for me. Thanks and God bless.-Chris

Chris Daughtry’s MySpace 

I hope he gets better soon. Katharine McPriss should take a lesson from him! 


Chris Daughtry signs with Clive
July 10th, 2006 under Daughtry. [ Comments: none ]

Coming in fourth place on "American Idol" isn’t so bad. Chris Daughtry, who was voted off the Fox talent contest’s fifth edition in an elimination round, has signed with music mogul Clive Davis in conjunction with 19 Recordings Unlimited, the label managed by "Idol" creator Simon Fuller, RCA Records announced Monday.
The 26-year-old North Carolina native will form a band "and has already begun to work with A-list collaborators" to write and record material for an album, expected to be released later this year.Daughtry turned down an offer to be lead singer for the band Fuel last month. His raspy vocals can be heard on the "American Idol: Season Five" compilation CD, which features his popular cover of Bon Jovi’s "Wanted Dead or Alive."


I can’t wait to buy this album! Bet you a K-Fed penny that he will sell more albums than Taylor Hicks and McPriss. 



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