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Conan O’Brien can’t stop looking at Kristen Schaal’s robotic pussy
March 10th, 2020 under Conan O'Brien, Kristen Schaal. [ Comments: none ]

Kristen Schaal’s sister bought a robotic cat for the Bob’s Burger’s star’s daughter, and Ruby is scared of it. Therefore, her mom is keeping it in the car.

Since she was on Conan yesterday, she decided to bring it to the show with her. As soon as she took it out, Conan and Andy Richter were fascinated. How can you not be? It is so realistic. Even my cat wants to be friends with it.

And on the friends note, Conan made a bad joke, and Schaal laughed. Then he went in for a high five. Even if he were the Last Man On Earth, she would not have given it to him. She knows how viruses spread because of that show she was on. As she pointed out, she saved his life

Since cats have nine lives, the robotic pussy had no problem giving him one. Probably the first time an adult toy was willing to be touched by him.

I really hope that Schaal gave Conan the cat to keep. I would love to see it be a thing on his TBS talkshow like Jeff the Robot was on The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson.


My cat does not approve of this Conan video
March 3rd, 2020 under Conan O'Brien. [ Comments: none ]

Anyone, who has a cat, is afraid that their kitty will eat them when they die. Sometimes, I think my cat won’t wait until then. In fact, recently, she has tried to kill me on several occasions because I have not given her enough snacks. She even attempted to trip me while I was walking down the stairs by attacking my good leg, so I step down hard on the sprained one and fall. One time, I even saw the little bitch (she hates that name) look up at me and smile. Another she actually licked her lips.

Seriously, how many have you looked at your cat and thought they are going to kill me and eat my corpse? You are not alone, and they will.

Conan O’Brien has come up with a way that could save cat owners’ lives. Well, of course, I had to watch the video, and see what I can do to safeguard my dead body. As soon as I pressed play, my cat gave me one of the death stares and ran up the stairs that she tries to kill me on.

Now I know what I can do to piss her off. That is to watch Conan! This is weird because she has red hair like his and I thought redheads stick together. Guess she wants to be all catty about it.

Too bad, they don’t let animals into tapings for the TBS talk show. If they did, I would take her to one.


The crazy way that Jeff Garlin lost his virginity
February 11th, 2020 under Conan O'Brien, The Goldbergs. [ Comments: none ]

Jeff Garlin was on Conan last week, and he told a story that we will never see on The Goldbergs.

Back when he was 20 and a virgin, he was a comedian playing the clubs around Miami. One night there was a woman who was heckling him. After the show, she ran into him and apologized for what happened inside the club. Then she gave him a kiss to seal the deal.

It did not stop there, she told him to follow her as she ran on to South Beach and stripped off her clothes. Once she got to the lifeguard stand, she motioned for him to join her. Being a good “Jewish boy,” he folded his clothes before he joined her.

As they were getting hot and heavy, he noticed someone was trying to steal his clothes. He ran after the guy, got his clothes back, folded them and went back to the girl.

How did he do? He says she did not heckle him for that performance. Good for him.

BTW I am pretty sure I know the spot where he lost V-card. It is a romantic place unless the cops are walking by. Talk about killing the mood.


Andy Richter needs to be on Wheel of Fortune all the time!
February 7th, 2020 under Conan O'Brien, Wheel of Fortune. [ Comments: 6 ]

We are used to seeing Andy Richter be PG-13 on Conan. However, on Wheel of Fortune, he is all NC-17. No matter what the clue is on the game show, he finds a way to see the word f*ck. You know what, he is not alone. I see it too.

Personally, I wish that the show was not all about being family-friendly, and had some clues like “chasing tail.” If Family Feud can do it, then why can Pat Sajak and Vanna White. I am sure they would enjoy the answers being a little bit naughtier. It would add some spice into their lives, and ours too. Don’t we all need it?


Antonio Banderas teaches Conan O’Brien to be One Singular Sensation
February 4th, 2020 under Antonio Banderas, Conan O'Brien. [ Comments: none ]

Antonio Banderas opened a theater in his hometown in Spain, and he is starring in a Spanish version of A Chorus Line. Banderas plays the director in the Broadway musical, and he offered to show Conan O’Brien some of the choreography when he was a guest on the TBS show yesterday.

Banderas, who is finally nominated for an Oscar, should stick to acting because his directing was horrible. Then again, I don’t even think that late great Bob Fosse or very talented Debbie Allen could teach Conan how to dance. Granted, I think Banderas chose the wrong number to teach his student. He should have gone with Dance Ten, Looks Three aka T!ts and A$$ instead. My body does its own moves whenever that song comes on playlist. Although, unlike me, Conan does not have an a$$ which is why he needs to see ee the wizard on Park and 73rd.

I really hope that Banderas finds a way to bring his take of the show to Broadway like he has said he wants to do.


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