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You want to catch Chasing Life!
June 10th, 2014 under Italia Ricci and Robbie Amell. [ Comments: none ]

Chasing Life debuts tonight on ABC Family at 9p and this is important drama to watch.
April (Italia Ricci) is 24 years old and her life is just starting. She is interning at her dream job, she’s dating the perfect guy and her family is finally getting back to normal after her father’s death. But that is all going to change when her estranged uncle (Steven Weber) tells her she has cancer.
The young woman has been diagnosed with leukemia, and now just when her life is beginning, it might be ending. How does she tell her mom (Mary Page Keller) who is finally ready to date again? Her teenage sister (Haley Ramm), who has finally stopped rebelling against everything? Her perfect new boyfriend (Richard Brancatisano)? Her boss that just promoted her? Her best friend (Aisha Dee)? And so on?
Will she stop everything to fight the cancer? Or will she try to live life like she doesn’t have it?
Each week she will face all of this, and you will be drawn into her fight.
This show has special meaning to me because my old boss passed away from the same cancer back in December. So I watch this show thinking of Melissa Havard and her valiant fight. I am sure others will feel the same way that I do.
Especially when they watch the third episode and she makes a friend who has been living with cancer for a while. That episode is really poignant. Just like the whole series.


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