via Britney Spears
Why is Jive going after the only audience that doesn’t give a crap about the daily craziness that we call Britney Spears? Dumb move, but I guess desperate times call for desperate measures.
And sadly I think I liked the song and video for Piece of Me, help. Maybe there are subliminal messages hidden in that video?
Seriously all Britney Spears had to do was stay in one night and she couldn’t even do that. I wonder if K-Fed e-mailed his lawyer this video of her saying she was fine?
Seriously that was not the first time that Britney Spears has dyed her own hair, she should know they say use gloves for a reason.
Hopefully she will wash her hands before she is deposed by Kevin Federline’s and her own lawyers this morning according to Entertainment Tonight. Although we are talking Brintey, so I doubt she will.
UPDATE: Britney Spears misses her deposition because she was “sick”. If I were her, I would not go out partying tonight but then again look who we are talking about!
Britney Spears made the same face I did when I saw that picture of her butt. Seriously why would X17 take a picture of that, my eyes hurt. And you know my theory, why should I suffer alone.
Finally, it took a year for Britney Spears to learn how to get out of the car and not show us what colored underwear she is wearing when she was actually wearing them.