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Fox pulls tomorrow’s Bones’ episode because of the VT tragedy
April 17th, 2007 under Bones. [ Comments: none ]

(photo credit Isabella Vosmikova/FOX)

According to Zap2It, Fox has pulled tomorrow’s episode of Bones that is about a male student athlete found dead under the bleachers in a college gym. A Fox spokesperson said, "Out of sensitivity to the victims and families touched by this senseless tragedy, we felt the change was appropriate." A repeat of Bones will air in the place of the yet to be rescheduled "Player Under Pressure" episode.


Fox renews House and Bones!!!
February 19th, 2007 under Bones, Lisa Edelstein/Hugh Laurie/House. [ Comments: none ]

(Photo credit AP) 
 Variety is reporting that both House and Bones have both been picked up for next year!!! Woo Hoo! I love both of these shows! And Bones gets better and better with every episode this season!!!

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