Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Bill Nye the Science Guy
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Who knew that Bill Nye the Science Guy can dance?
February 8th, 2020 under Bill Nye the Science Guy. [ Comments: none ]
Earlier this week, Bill Nye walked, or should I say strutted, down the runway at New York Fashion Week’s Fourth Annual Blue Jacket Fashion Show that raises awareness for men’s health and prostate cancer detection and treatment.

The Science Guy boogied his way down to the beat of Lizzo’s Juice, and everyone has been drinking it up. Who knew he was so cool? I mean, we knew he makes science fun and now we know it is because he is fun.

They should give him another show, but this time incorporate dancing. I might finally understand chemistry, physics, and biology.


BTWF roles: Joel McHale on Bill Nye, the Science Guy
April 19th, 2012 under Before They Were Famous, Bill Nye the Science Guy, Joel McHale. [ Comments: none ]

Before Joel McHale has chemistry with the ladies on Community, he knew a lot about chemistry for Bill Nye, the Science Guy. You can barely recognize the 26 year old actor dressed as a nerd in that 1998 episode.


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