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The Brangelina bunch left their mark on her wedding gown!
September 1st, 2014 under Angelina Jolie, Brangelina. [ Comments: none ]

via Yahoo! Celebrity
Ever since we heard that Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie got married, we have wanted to know what her gown looked like. Well today, People released a photo of it from the front and Hello! showed it from behind. The back of the dress, that was tailored by Luigi Massi, is more important because he sewn in colorful designs from her six kids. That special touch makes this dress a one of a kind and more beautiful than any gown I’ve seen in a really long time.
When it comes to the Brangelina Bunch they look beautiful and happy. Why shouldn’t they be this a joyous event they have all been waiting years for! Here’s to hoping this is one of the Hollywood couples that actually makes it. I think they will survive the test of time. What about you?


Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie finally did it!
August 28th, 2014 under Angelina Jolie, Brangelina. [ Comments: none ]

(via WireImage)

After dating for 9 years and parenting five children (Maddox was adopted before they started dating), Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie finally said I do. The two were married this Saturday in her mother’s home country of France. Their six kids have wanted their parents to get married for years, so they played a big part in the nuptials. According to AP the actress’ oldest sons, Maddox and Pax, walked her down the aisle while Zahara and Vivienne threw petals down it. Their other two daughters, Shiloh and Knox, served as the ring bearers.
The small civil ceremony, attended by friends and family, was presided over by a California Judge who issued their marriage license. That’s one way to keep the judge quiet.
Good for them for keeping their big day a secret, unlike his first wedding that was all about the fanfare.


Angelina Jolie has a makeup malfunction
May 12th, 2014 under Angelina Jolie, Brangelina. [ Comments: none ]

Getty Images
Angelina Jolie is normally looks perfect whenever she walks the red carpet, but tonight she had a little ding in her armor. Actually, she has some extra white powder on the bottom of her face and uneven foundation on her forehead. So unless one of her 6 kids did her up for the premiere of The Normal Heart, someone is going to get yelled out and will be looking for a new job.


Angelina Jolie’s girls still look fantastic!
June 2nd, 2013 under Angelina Jolie, Brangelina. [ Comments: none ]

Fame Flynet
Angelina Jolie made her first public appearance since she told the world that she had a double mastectomy and they still look as perfect as they did before she had it done. But then again she would still look absolutely gorgeous and sexy even if she was flat chested. I don’t think she ever look bad, boobs or no boobs, hair or no hair and so on…


Angelina Jolie had a preventive double mastectomy
May 14th, 2013 under Angelina Jolie, Brangelina. [ Comments: none ]

(photo via Anorak)

Angelina Jolie is known for perfect body, but she did something drastic to it in order to give herself a longer life. Her mother passed away from cancer at the age of just 56 and she wants to be here as long as she can for her 6 kids. So she went and got tested to see if she carried the BRCA1 gene. When she found out that she does, she opted for a preventive double mastectomy.
The Oscar winning actress shared a story in a NY Times Op-Ed and it is a must read for every woman out there and the men that love them. She holds nothing back in what she went through. Just in case you needed another reason to respect the sh!t out of her, you now have it. I could re-post excerpts from the article, but I think everyone needs to read it in its entirety because it is a real eye opener.
When I first came to Hollywood, I actually had the chance to interview her and I was blown away not only by her beauty but by her intelligence. Something I don’t think some people see, but I think her story will change their opinion of her. It made me think even higher of her.
She will be sharing even more details about what she went through on the Pink Lotus Breast Cancer website, so bookmark it for when she does.


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