Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Angelina Jolie
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Angelina Jolie’s Bodygaurds arrested for school incident
November 17th, 2006 under Angelina Jolie, Brangelina. [ Comments: none ]

Three of Angelina Jolie’s bodyguards were arrested by Indian police and then freed on bail following a scuffle with parents at a Mumbai Islamic school during a movie shoot, police and lawyers have said. Jolie, accompanied by her partner Brad Pitt and their three children, is in India for a month to film scenes for "A Mighty Heart", a film about US journalist Daniel Pearl’s abduction and murder by Islamic militants in Pakistan in 2002. "The three bodyguards were granted bail. The case appears to be in cold storage now, unless the police decide to chargesheet them later," Mahesh Jethmalani, a lawyer who represented the bodyguards, told AFP Friday. Bail for each of the bodyguards was set at 25,000 rupees (555 dollars). The three burly bodyguards for the Hollywood star Jolie were arrested early Friday morning from the posh South Mumbai Taj Mahal Hotel, deputy police commissioner Brijesh Singh told AFP. Singh said the bodyguards were arrested on charges of "threatening" and "insult to religion" after parents filed a formal complaint with local police late Thursday. Jolie had late Thursday been stuck at the private Anjuman-i-Islam school when angry parents accused her bodyguards of shoving their children around. The private NTDV network showed footage of the skirmish, where an unidentified man said one of Jolie’s bodyguards called a man in the crowd outside the school a "bloody Indian" and made a gesture miming the slitting of a throat. "Some of the students were pushed around when they were leaving school by the bodyguards," said Mohammed Yousuf, general secretary of the parent teacher association, whose two children study at the school. Dallington TV, the production house of "A Mighty Heart", blamed paparazzi for the incident. "We had got full permission and cooperation of the school to film on the premises. Unfortunately, our arrival was impeded by the paparazzi waiting at the school gates," the production house said. "When the gates were opened to allow parents to collect their children, the paparazzi rushed the school, causing confusion," the statement said. This is at least the third time the Hollywood star and her entourage has ruffled feathers since her arrival in India last month. In October, one of the bodyguards roughed up a British photographer in the western city of Pune. The couple also upset officials in the resort city of Jodhpur after they landed a helicopter without permission


I bet they can’t wait for this movie to end production already.


Angelina Jolie’s bodyguards shove parents picking up their kids from school
November 16th, 2006 under Angelina Jolie, Brangelina. [ Comments: none ]

Angelina Jolie’s bodyguards allegedly roughed up parents and students Thursday at a school where she was filming scenes for her new movie, A Mighty Heart, witnesses said. The fracas began when the gates of the Anjuman-e-Islam school, which had been locked during filming, were opened to let the parents fetch their children. "This Jolie’s bodyguard called one parent, ‘You bloody Indian,’" said Mohammed Yusuf Patni, general secretary of the school’s Parent Teacher Association. "Children were pushed around." Patni, who has two children studying at the Muslim school, said "mothers were also shoved aside by the guards." Dallington TV, a British production company that organized the shoot, blamed the scuffle on photographers and television cameramen that it said rushed the school to get pictures of Jolie. "We had the full permission and cooperation of the school to film on the premises," Dallington said in a statement. "When the gates were opened to allow the parents in to collect their children, the paparazzi rushed the school causing confusion." Representatives for Jolie refused to comment. The scuffle wasn’t the first that security guards have had since Jolie arrived in India last month with Brad Pitt and their three children. In one incident, an Associated Press freelance photographer alleged that security guards protecting Jolie’s movie set in Pune had hit him and threatened him with a gun. Earlier, as Pitt and Jolie were leaving a hotel, one of their security guards manhandled a British photographer trying to take their photo, grabbing the man by his neck and verbally abusing him.

USA Today 

They should have stopped filming and put her somewhere when they knew the parents were coming to pick up the kids. So wrong.


Brad and Angelina decide against Indian adoption becuase of Madonna?
November 7th, 2006 under Angelina Jolie, Brangelina. [ Comments: none ]

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt have abandoned their plans to adopt an Indian baby because of the controversy surrounding Madonna’s recent adoption. The Hollywood couple – who have a baby daughter Shiloh and two adopted children, five-year-old son Maddox, who is Cambodian, and Ethiopian daughter Zahara, who is 22-months-old – planned to give a home to an Indian orphan but have been put off by the criticism Madonna has received for adopting a 13-month-old Malawian boy. A source told Britain’s New magazine: "No one wants to be dragged through the heartache that Madonna has. It’s a real shame. "Angelina was so saddened. When people start questioning the legality of adoption, of whether you’ll be able to keep the child, it gets into a territory that’s just heartbreaking." Angelina and Brad are currently in Pune, India, filming ‘A Mighty Heart’, which Angelina is starring in and Brad is producing, and last month they visited the Priva Darshini orphanage together. The source revealed: "Angelina has a philosophy that people enter your life for a reason, that you go to a place for a reason. This made India a perfect spot for them to explore introducing a new culture into their lives. She believes so strongly in adoption. "Brad would prefer a boy no older than 18 months to even out the sexes but Angie has told him she can’t guarantee she won’t fall in love with a little girl. "They had originally hoped to be able to bring the child home before Christmas, and had even thought of a name, India, to honour the child’s homeland."


So Madonna killed the celebrity international adoption trend?


Are Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie a target for al-Quaeda?
October 30th, 2006 under Angelina Jolie, Brangelina. [ Comments: none ]

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are living in fear of an al-Qaeda attack, it has been reported. Brad and Angelina are currently in India shooting ‘A Mighty Heart’ – a story about American journalist Daniel Pearl, who was kidnapped and later executed by al-Quaeda terrorists in Pakistan in 2002. British security experts reportedly rushed to Pune, India, earlier this week, after being alerted by neigbouring Pakistan that the couple might be targeted because of the political nature of the film. A source told Enquirer: "These former SAS men arrived to aid American bodyguards already watching over the superstars and their three children. The authorities genuinely feared that the star couple could be prime targets for terrorists." The terror fear is also said to be the reason behind the decision to shoot the movie in Pune, as opposed to Pakistan, where the events actually took place.


I don’t know about you, but if I was target I would get the heck out of there before you could say al-Quaeda. But then again the source of the story is not the most reliable.


Angelina Jolie ready to adopt again?
October 26th, 2006 under Angelina Jolie, Brangelina. [ Comments: none ]

Angelina Jolie is adopting an Indian baby to add to her growing international brood, according to US reports. Sources say the big-hearted actress and partner Brad Pitt have already applied to adopt a tot from an Indian orphanage. An insider said: "They hope to be able to bring the child home by Christmas. "Brad would prefer a boy no older than 18 months to even out the sexes but Angie has told him she can’t guarantee she won’t fall in love with a little girl." The source told US magazine Globe: "Whichever they end up with, they’d like to name the child India to honour its homeland." The pair are rumoured to have visited the Priva Darshini orphanage in the last month. Angelina’s first child, five-year-old Maddox, was adopted from a Cambodian orphanage in 2002. And last year she adopted an Ethiopian baby girl – Zahara Marley Jolie – orphaned by AIDS, now 22-months-old. She and actor Brad Pitt, 42, had a daughter together, baby Shiloh Nouvel Jolie-Pitt, in May 2006. Angelina, 31, has declared that she’d like kiddies from all over the world. She has said: "I want to create a rainbow family. That’s children of different religions and cultures from different countries." "I believe I’m meant to find my children in the world and not necessarily have them genetically." After the birth of their daughter Pitt described fatherhood as the greatest thing he had ever done. "It’s a true joy and a very profound love," he said. However it was said that the couple were in disagreement over whether they should adopt again, with Pitt wanting to concentrate on the children they have.

Daily Mail 

So what is left for to finish the rainbow?


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