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Brad Pitt photographs Angelina Jolie breast feeding
October 9th, 2008 under Angelina Jolie, Brangelina. [ Comments: 2 ]

Brad Pitt once again became a photographed Angelina Jolie for a magazine and this time the cover shot for W is him capturing Angelina Jolie breast feeding one of the twins. Brad Pitt did a great job capturing a natural Angelina Jolie doing something so natural. I means she just looks so gorgeous and happy, that this is the Angelina Jolie I would rather see walking the red carpet. 
While I don't normally advocate breast feeding pictures, this one was too gorgeous not to post.

Angelina Jolie updates her arm and us!
October 5th, 2008 under Angelina Jolie, Brangelina. [ Comments: none ]

(photos from WireImage)
Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie and the Brangelina Bunch are all in NY for the premiere of her new movie Changeling. Her trip to NY is her first public appearance since the twins were born in July and as you can see she added their birth date to her arm.
Angelina Jolie looks amazing, so how did she get her figure back so quickly, will six be enough for Brad and Angelina and where are they looking to settle down, here are the answers to those questions from OK! Magazine.
Her Body:
“Run around with all the kids, and breastfeeding, which I think is part of your body's natural way of losing weight,” Angelina said at the Changeling premiere held during the New York Film Festival Saturday.
More Kids?:
"We are going to have more kids," revealed the Oscar winner. "One way or another."
Where to next?:
"We love France. We’d like to spend more time there again. We’ve got a lot of wonderful friends. We love the air, and the life, and the other children we met. It was a beautiful, beautiful quality of life and beautiful place to live."
After NY, the 8 fly back to Berlin where Brad will start filming Quentin Tarantino's Inglorious Bastards with Eli Roth and Mike Myers.

Angelina Jolie looks radiant
October 4th, 2008 under Angelina Jolie, Brangelina. [ Comments: 1 ]

Angelina Jolie looks amazing, she even creates rainbows around her! She doesn't even look like mom of 6 with a set of twins just a few months old.

Angelina Jolie when she was Sweet 16!
September 15th, 2008 under Angelina Jolie, Brangelina. [ Comments: none ]

I would have hated to go to school with Angelina Jolie because you know all the boys would be fighting over her and I would be left with nothing. She always gorgeous, lucky b!tch!!!

The Brangelina Bunch expanding again?
August 27th, 2008 under Angelina Jolie, Brangelina. [ Comments: 1 ]

(photo from Dlisted)

Brad Pitt told Daily Mail that Angelina Jolie and him might be recent parents to twins but that is not going to stop them from adding even more kids to their bunch very soon!

Asked by MailOnline how much more he would continue extending the family – which currently stands at six children, Pitt said: ‘I’ll have two more by next year.’
And he told George Clooney at the launch of their film Burn After Reading at the Venice Film festival today: ‘You can share mine with me.’
Family man: Brad Pitt may already have his hands full with his six children, including Maddox and Pax, but he still wants more
Asked if would be settling down soon and having children, Clooney joked: ‘I’m so surprised to be asked that question. I am getting married and having children today.’

Dang how many kids do you think they will finally have before they stop? 10, 20, 100…
BTW when it comes to George, I am availbe to be your wife and mother of your children!


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