Steven Tyler is hitting the bottle again! |
June 2nd, 2014 under Aerosmith. [ Comments: none ]
As we all know Steven Tyler marches to the beat of his own drum, and while he was in Helsinki he marched to beat of some wine bottles. Instead of singing, the singer hit the bottle and he looked like a little boy as he did it. Seriously, isn’t that the cutest you have ever seen the Aerosmith singer look. You know, maybe for their next tour they should add bottles to the mix. What do you think?
Steven Tyler gets crazy with some street performers |
May 21st, 2014 under Aerosmith. [ Comments: none ]
Steven Tyler took his act on the road to Europe and while he was in Lithuania he took it to the streets. When the Aerosmith singer heard a female violinist and a woman playing an accordion together, he had to go up to them. Then the two ladies started playing his band’s song, Crazy, and he had to sing along. That is if you can call that singing. Either way, it was really cool. I wish more singers would do that! How awesome would that be for those street performers and the people walking by?
Maybe, not everyone should try to get the supportive message across |
May 12th, 2014 under Aerosmith. [ Comments: none ]

Steven Tyler, like many celebrities took part in the viral campaign to get the Nigerian School Girls back, only problem is that he might have opted to use the wrong message to promote the cause. While most people went with “Bring Back Our Girls”, he went with “Real Men Don’t Buy Girls”. It is great that he is part of the effort, but maybe he should’ve used a different phrase. Because until he posted it, most people (me included) didn’t know what he was talking about.
Again A for effort! You know what, make it an A+ because his serious face really gets across the seriousness of it all.
When it comes to Nigerian School Girls, I hope they are released soon and the bastards who did this to them pay for their crime.
Steven Tyler, Dude looks like Dude! |
May 1st, 2014 under Aerosmith. [ Comments: none ]

Steven Tyler Instagrammed this photo of him with a Captain Sparrow like beard and said, “YOU KNOW WHAT THEY SAY ABOUT LITTLE HATS…” What do they say about guys with little hats?
But forgetting about his little hat for a second, I can’t over how manly he looks with all of that facial hair. No longer will I be saying Dude Looks Like a Lady. Well, that is as long as he has a beard. Without I will be back to singing one of Aerosmith’s biggest hits. Which is A-OK with me because that is how I like how he looks.
What do you think of his pirated look?
Steven Tyler rides this way! |
April 25th, 2014 under Aerosmith. [ Comments: none ]
I try not to make fun of Steven Tyler because we are from the same hometown, but he makes it so hard for me because he makes it so easy to laugh with him. Case in point this video he posted on Instagram today, heading over to The Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon’s studio. I don’t have to say anything else because the video speaks for itself. Neigh!
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