Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 80s
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ALF is trouble for having a dirty dirty mouth
December 28th, 2010 under 80s. [ Comments: none ]

ALF was a family show that was, to be honest, really stupid but funny because if it. It wasn’t a show that was meant to be taken seriously and now thanks to these uncensored bloopers that were posted on YouTube, we are seeing that the actors didn’t take the show seriously either. But that is not why they are causing a stir, it is because the man that voiced the Alien Life Form was heard cursing and using the N-word when the show mocked an episode of LA Law where a character had Tourette’s.
I love bloopers, but to be honest these weren’t funny because I thought there was a lot of hate coming from Paul Fusco. I guess that is what ALF was suppose to be like off of camera, but that was not the cat eating fur ball I loved…:(
Now I am afraid to see the bloopers from Small Wonder, I wonder what Vicki said when she thought the cameras weren’t rolling?


David Bowie bows down to his wife Iman!
December 27th, 2010 under 80s. [ Comments: 2 ]

(photo from WireImage)

David Bowie and his wife Iman have been married for 18 years and she told Nate Berkus how after all this time their marriage still is like a Modern Love. The Supermodel told him that her rock star husband still ties her shoes. Yes you read that right, he bows down for his wife. I am not sure I believe this, not because I don’t think he would do it but do you she really wears shoes that need to be tied???


Simply Red singer apologizes to all the women he f*cked before
December 3rd, 2010 under 80s. [ Comments: none ]

Simply Red’s Mick Hucknall was doing an interview with The Guardian and he asked if he could apologize to all the women he had sex with through their newspaper.

He told the newspaper: “I regret the philandering
“In fact, can I issue a public apology through the Guardian? They know who they are and I’m truly sorry.”
The flame-haired star admitted a red-headed man “is not generally considered to be a sexual icon” but said that never stopped him.
He said: “Between 1985 and 1987, I would sleep with about three women a day, every day. I never said no. This was what I wanted from being a pop star. I was living the dream and my only regret is I hurt some really good girls.”

It only took him 25 years, but at least he finally apologized to all of them. I wonder if he is doing it because he feels bad for taking advantage of them or for being bad in bed? For some reason I think it is the latter because he doesn’t look like he would be a good lay. I mean would you do him back then? I guess if you are in to firecrotches, he would do!!!


Fred and his Savages!!!
November 27th, 2010 under 80s, Fred and Ben Savage. [ Comments: none ]

Fred Savage took his wife Jennifer Lynn and their kids Oliver and Lily to see Yo Gabba Gabba and it looks he had as much fun there as his 4 year old son and 2 year old daughter. How awwwdorable is the Savage family?


I wonder if Daryl Hannah is having Splash flashbacks
October 24th, 2010 under 80s. [ Comments: none ]

Daryl Hannah attended the Animal Planet & Sea Shepherd Conservation Society Operation No Compromise” Commencement Celebration and there was a mermaid there. Looking at her expression in that picture, I have to wonder if she was having flashbacks to when she made Splash with Tom Hanks 27 years ago.
I think I am going to have to rent that movie because I am remembering how good it was. I hope it holds up.


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