Hilary Duff is like all bummed out because she can’t get those gritty roles like you know Dakota Fanning according to IOL. She said that she recently got a juicy script, but when the casting director heard she was interested, they weren’t. “It always shocks me the lack of openness, the lack of imagination that some casting directors have. She said, “I would read a script and be so in love with that, and someone would be like: ‘Hilary Duff? Oh no, we don’t want her for that.'”
Look I am the first to admit, I like her movies because they are sweet and great for a lazy, I don’t want to waste a brain cell Saturday afternoon, but I just can’t see her taking on a juicy role. I don’t know if playing a teenage prostitute like Eve Plumb (Jan Brady) will help to break her sugary sweet image or what exactly it would take to do that? But at least she take some comfort in knowing that The Olsen Twins are not getting those roles either.