Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Carrie Fisher goes all Yoda to respond to haters!
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[ # ] Carrie Fisher goes all Yoda to respond to haters!
December 30th, 2015 under Star Wars

Carrie Fisher is like everyone else in the world, as in she ages. Well some Star Wars “fans” called her out for it and not in a nice way. So Princess Leia responded to them in a way that Yoda proud would be. She Tweeted, “Please stop debating about whetherOR not👁aged well.unfortunately it hurts all3 of my feelings.My BODY hasnt aged as well as I have.Blow us👌🏼” Followed by, “My body is my brain bag, it hauls me around to those places & in front of faces where theres something to say or see.” Then she concluded her rant with, “Youth&BeautyR/NOT ACCOMPLISHMENTS,theyre theTEMPORARY happy/BiProducts/of Time&/or DNA/Dont Hold yourBreath4either/ifUmust holdAir/takeGarys.” Gotta love her because she doesn’t take sh!t from anybody. Nor should she!


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