Carrie Fisher is like everyone else in the world, as in she ages. Well some Star Wars “fans” called her out for it and not in a nice way. So Princess Leia responded to them in a way that Yoda proud would be. She Tweeted, “Please stop debating about whetherOR not👁aged well.unfortunately it hurts all3 of my feelings.My BODY hasnt aged as well as I have.Blow us👌🏼” Followed by, “My body is my brain bag, it hauls me around to those places & in front of faces where theres something to say or see.” Then she concluded her rant with, “Youth&BeautyR/NOT ACCOMPLISHMENTS,theyre theTEMPORARY happy/BiProducts/of Time&/or DNA/Dont Hold yourBreath4either/ifUmust holdAir/takeGarys.” Gotta love her because she doesn’t take sh!t from anybody. Nor should she!