Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Can someone explain Seth Rogen’s popularity to me?
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[ # ] Can someone explain Seth Rogen’s popularity to me?
June 22nd, 2010 under Apatow Productions, Seth Rogen

So the first trailer for The Green Hornet is out and I would want to see that movie if Seth Rogen wasn’t in it. I don’t know what it is about him, but he just irritates me and every time he came on my back cringed and I lost interest in the movie. I just don’t get his appeal and cannot see him as a superhero. Even Christoph Waltz could not get me to see this movie when it comes out January. You know what would get me to see this movie is if they can edit out all of Rogen’s scenes, but for some reason I don’t think that is going to happen.
BTW does his voice put anyone else besides me to sleep, it is just so monotone and boring. On a positive note, since he lost the weight I know which one he is and which one Jonah Hill is. Granted I also know who Hill is because I can actually stand him and watch his movies.


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