Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Butterfinger creates a mascot scarier than the Burger King
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[ # ] Butterfinger creates a mascot scarier than the Burger King
October 6th, 2022 under Junk Food

Let’s be honest. We have all had a nightmare about the Burger King at least once. Well, he is no longer going to be the subject of our scary dreams, thanks to Butterfinger. That is because the chocolate bar created a new mascot called Robin Fingers, who is even more frightening.

Robin Fingers is a mix of Jigsaw and Squid Game Guard all rolled into one, and he goes around robbing us of our Butterfinger bars. The bandit won’t stop until he gets them all.

So this Halloween, just say no to anyone who wants to give you a Butterfinger while you are trick or treating. And if you don’t catch it in time, then make sure to hurl them out of the bag as soon as you see one.

My nieces will hate me because it is their favorite candy, but I am doing it for their own protection. That, and because they never share them with me.

Anyways, now that I think about it. This advertising campaign might have been a mistake. Because instead of making us want to buy a Butterfinger, it makes us want to throw them all away. Whoops. I am going to post the ones that I have on my Buy Nothing group and give them to that person I don’t like.


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