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[ # ] Buffy the Vampire Slayer coming back to the big screen?
May 26th, 2009 under Freddie Prinze Jr / Sarah Michelle Gellar

Buffy the Vampire Slayer might be coming back to the big screen, but before you fans of the TV show get excited or upset this new version will have nothing to do with the cult television series. The movie’s director and her husband are the ones planning on bringing the movie back to the big screen, but they don’t want to call it a prequel or a sequel. Here is what they told The Hollywood Reporter they plan for it.

One of the underlying ideas of “Buffy” allows Vertigo and Kuzui to do just that: that each generation has its own vampire slayer to protect it. The goal would be to make a darker, event-sized movie that would, of course, have franchise potential.

Maybe I am biased, but if they are going to do a Buffy movie, I want it to be with the TV cast not a reimagining of what we have seen.


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[ # 393168 ] Comment from vampirequeen [April 14, 2010, 2:28 pm]

i have all 7 seasons of buffy and if they actually make a movie without the carecters wut would be the point of watching it it should at least star 1 of them its just rediculs

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