Seriously? OMG! WTF? » BTWF ads: Ashley Tisdale for T-Mobile
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[ # ] BTWF ads: Ashley Tisdale for T-Mobile
December 30th, 2008 under Ashley Tisdale, Before They Were Famous, High School Musical

Before Ashley Tisdale sang and danced in High School Musical, she was crying like a baby for T-Mobile and just as annoying.
xoxo Roxanne M for the tip!!!

SOW note: As you can tell I am trying to start a new post called Before They Were Famous! I think it is a lot of fun to see celebs before we knew them doing commercials, music videos, TV guest appearances, Soap Operas or bit parts in movies! I am trying my best to find as many of these on my own, but I need your help!!! So if you see them or know of any, can you please E-Mail me at!!! I hope they are as fun for you as they are for me!!!


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