Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Brooklyn Nine-Nine is cancelled again
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[ # ] Brooklyn Nine-Nine is cancelled again
February 11th, 2021 under NBC

Brooklyn Nine-Nine ran on Fox for five seasons before it got cancelled. Then, NBC picked it up. Today, the network announced that this upcoming eighth season will be its last one.

“I’m so thankful to NBC and Universal Television for allowing us to give these characters and our fans the ending they deserve,” said executive producer Dan Goor. “I feel incredibly lucky to have worked with this amazing cast and crew for eight seasons. They are not only among the most talented people in the business, they are all good human beings who have become a family. But most of all, I feel lucky that we have had the best fans in the world. Fans who literally saved us from cancellation. Fans who fill us with joy. Ending the show was a difficult decision, but ultimately, we felt it was the best way to honor the characters, the story and our viewers. I know some people will be disappointed it’s ending so soon, but honestly, I’m grateful it lasted this long. Title of my sex tape.”

Are you sad to see it go, or it was about time?


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