Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Brittany Snow is a ball buster!!!
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[ # ] Brittany Snow is a ball buster!!!
June 8th, 2008 under Movies

NSFM (not safe for men)
If you thought Brittany Snow was a bad a$$ when she played a white supremacist on Nip/Tuck. that is nothing compared to her role in On The Doll that is out on DVD June 17th. Thomas Mignone’s feature debut might not look like something you (men) would want to see from this clip, but if you watch the trailer you will want to see On The Doll next Tuesday.

On The Doll is a story of the victims of child abuse, and the pain it visits upon their later lives. With interweaving stories following victims and victimizers, the film depicts the variety of experiences of abuse. Utilizing a young cast of up and coming actors including Brittany Snow and Josh Janowicz, the characters wander through their disaffected lives searching for meaning, while falling into patterns that lead to more pain. The first feature by acclaimed music video director Thomas Mignone, On The Doll is beautifully shot yet emotionally wrenching, and sure to hit a powerful chord in its viewers.


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