Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Brian Williams owns up to lies
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[ # ] Brian Williams owns up to lies
June 19th, 2015 under TV News

After 5 months, Brian Williams finally broke his silence about his scandal on Today this morning, and you can tell he has been humbled by the experience. Not only is he humbled, but he has aged. His eyes are puffier and there are a few more wrinkles around them.
Now, that he is apologized and owned up this mistakes, let’s move on. What he did is not as bad as some of you have made it out to be. Have you ever embellished a story? That’s what he did. He didn’t hurt anyone. He didn’t commit any crimes. He just exaggerated. In the world of news, that really isn’t that bad.
At least is likable and can interview people, which is more than I can say for the person who was interviewing him.


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