Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Brad Pitt likes the Joe Blacks too?
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[ # ] Brad Pitt likes the Joe Blacks too?
May 20th, 2015 under Brangelina

Even though Brad Pitt has been married to two of the sexiest women in Hollywood, Star has a source that says he also likes to play in the bedroom fight club with men. A Hollywood Insider, I never heard of, told the tabloid, “I don’t want to define Brad Pitt’s sexuality, but whatever it is, he’s into guys.” The insider then says that 10 years ago, Pitt contacted an adult film actor via a website. The insider continued his fairy tale by saying that when the guy came up to room, Pitt gave him $1,000 to leave because he wasn’t as attractive as the pictures he posted on the site.
The insider says that Angelia Jolie is OK with him being bisexual because she is bisexual herself.
This story is so out there and unbelievable, I just had to post it.
All I want to know is, what will Tyler Durden do when he hears this? I say hide the soap!
Do you believe this bedtime story or do you think it is just another lie?


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