Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Bourne comes home…to Matt Damon’s home
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[ # ] Bourne comes home…to Matt Damon’s home
August 10th, 2007 under Matt Damon

Talk about taking your work home with you. You see that building that the poster is on, well that is the same building that Matt Damon lives in according to The Smoking Gun. Can you imagine when Matt Damon is walking on the block all the double takes he must get because they are looking at the 50 foot version and the 6 foot version of him at the same time! 
Universal owns that wall it is not that he is that vain he asked for it…or did he??? 
BTW if I were Matt Damon I would ask them to put one on Jimmy Kimmel's home because afterall he did bump him from his own movie! 

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