Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Bob Einstein talks about Super Dave’s Spike-tacular
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[ # ] Bob Einstein talks about Super Dave’s Spike-tacular
November 13th, 2009 under Spike TV

Back when I was kid my dad raised me on Super Dave, so when I read that Bob Einstein was going to bring back Super Dave for Spike TV I got Super excited. I spoke to the stunt master on why he brought the show back now and what we can expect from the 4 special episodes of Super Dave’s Spike-tacular that premieres tomorrow on Spike TV at 11p before moving to its regularly scheduled timeslot of Tuesdays at 9p!
Are you new to brilliance of Super Dave? Well Super Dave is a stunt man who attempts stunts that no one else would ever do for obvious reasons. No matter what he tries to do, it always goes horribly wrong and you will never guess just how wrong it is going to go. But you will find yourself laughing out loud and sharing how bad it all went down with everyone you know. And thanks to Tivos and DVRs, we can re-watch it again after the stunt fails to see just how it all went so horribly wrong!
So what made him decide to bring back Super Dave now after almost a decade? Well about 9 months ago Bob Einstein got a phone call from Spike TV’s President Kevin Kay, saying he wanted to resurrect Super Dave and because he is a fan of Spike TV he agreed to do it. Kay told him he could do whatever he wanted and believe me he took advantage of it! Because this is Super Dave at his best. Bob told me the big difference about doing the show now as compared to when he did it 20 years ago on Showtime is the advancement of special effects and CGI. It really makes a difference and let’s Super Dave Osbourne do stunts he only dreamed of before. Well at least attempting to complete them, but you have to watch the show to understand what I mean by that!
Super Dave’s Spike-tacular is not like anything that is on TV today. He told me, “There is no show on television like it. You know, you are going to laugh. Selling out with the girls and the joke of the week. I’ll do anything for money.” Because it is a new millennium he has changed things up for the show. Guys want to see pretty girls, so whenever he is talking to head of the network, he will be talking to stacked girls in a bikini who sound like the guy. He also added a sponsored joke of the week, and as much as he doesn’t want to do it, you will be grateful that he did because the joke is freaking funny. But the biggest change is since he did the show, reality television has become popular. Because of its popularity he added that element to the show, but it will still be like the original one is some ways as he explained to me, “It is a big ending each week and then you see me prepare with the bullsh!t reality. I go crazy with the camera people and everything else. I get tired of the reality.” Did I not mention he is not a fan of reality TV? He told me because he doesn’t like reality TV, he enjoyed poking fun of it.
Back to what makes Super Dave so hilarious is that he will attempt stunts that always go so horribly wrong and you will never be able to predict how. So I had to ask him about that and he said, “I always worried that people were sitting at home trying to predict what was going to happen. So I would do an idea then I would have to take it 6 steps beyond. Then I was with a friend of mine one night and he said, ‘You know, a bunch of us sit around the television trying to predict what’s happening, so it was a nightmare.’ Today I had to take it seven steps back. But you don’t know and on the show, I’m the only that doesn’t know anything is going to happen. I think this week everything is fine.” It is the way that Bob Einstein plays out the stunt that makes the unpredictability and the outcome just that much more funny. And believe me you really will be laughing out throughout the whole half hour.
When I asked him what he wanted to tell you guys about the show he said, “I just want to say to watch it and love it and enjoy it. I just think it is something that will let you escape and I don’t think there is too much on TV that’s let you do that now.” You will totally have that escapist show that no matter how bad things seemed that day they will be eased by laughing with Super Dave! So make sure to check him out on Saturday, November 14th at 11p on Spike TV and then every Tuesday at 9p!!! I promise you will be in hysterics. BTW did I mention they are giving away a $1 million every week? Just an added bonus to why you must must must watch this show!


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[ # 385967 ] Comment from Jason Hearne [February 23, 2010, 10:32 am]

Me and My team did all the Visual Effects and Post Production work on this show. We had a killer time doing it. It was so fun to put Bob in all those outrageous situations where he would get hit by a train, wrecking ball, or arrows shot from a blind archer.

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