Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Bob Dylan sings the classic song Charles in Charge!
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[ # ] Bob Dylan sings the classic song Charles in Charge!
March 18th, 2011 under Jimmy Fallon, Scott Baio

Out of all the people I ever expected in my life to sing the Charles in Charge theme song, Bob Dylan was on the bottom of the list. That was until last night when I saw him actually sing it on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon, and you know what he nailed it. Only problem is because I was able to understand every word he was singing, I realized it wasn’t the Hurricane singer himself but the Fever Pitch belongs to the host himself. Either way, I loved it and I can’t wait for him to do a duet for the Joanie Loves Chachi theme with himself singing both parts or better yet he can sing it with Scott Baio aka Chachi aka Charles? He’s taking request right?
BTW not only does Fallon do a spot on Charlie Sheen, he also does a perfect Bob Dylan!!!


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