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[ # ] Blue Bloods goes where no show has gone before tonight
February 3rd, 2012 under CBS, Tom Selleck

Tonight at 10p Blue Bloods goes where no show has gone before, as it is the first scripted show to film at the 9/11 Memorial and they do with the utmost respect. Frank Reagan’s (Tom Selleck) former-colleague, who was with him on 9/11 in the North Tower of the World Trade Center, is dying from something that was most likely brought on that day. The Police Commissioner goes through a lot of emotions throughout the episode while his friend is losing his battle with life. It is a side you have not seen from Selleck on the show before and it is so compelling to watch his raw emotion on the show. But none of it is more real than the scene where he visits the 9/11 Memorial. His face emulates what every person who goes down there feels and even the ones who will see it on the show today will feel.
The episode is not only emotional because of Frank’s story but there is also an intensely powerful one for Danny (Donnie Wahlberg) and his family. While riding home with his wife and two boys in the car, he accidentally hits someone who runs in front of his car. When he goes out to help him, he realizes that the guy was being shot at and the shooter doesn’t plan on stopping. Bullets are exchanged and one enters Danny’s car. His wife and sons will never be the same and he is determined to find the shooter. His wife Linda (Amy Calson) is at her wit’s end over being that close to a bullet that could’ve killed her or one of her sons that she doesn’t know how to deal with her reaction to it. Eventually Danny will see how it is affecting her and he will make an offer she might not be able to refuse. It is something that will leave you crying and wanting to hug Donnie Wahlberg.
While Blue Bloods does not get the Emmy love it so richly deserves, they got something even better by being able to be the first to film at the 9/11 Memorial. It is an honor that we were given and they give it back ten fold in the best episode of the show’s run so far. So tune in for an episode that will leave you drained from emotion, and it is worth it.


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