Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Blame Will Ferrell for Conan O’Brien’s demise?
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[ # ] Blame Will Ferrell for Conan O’Brien’s demise?
January 20th, 2010 under Conan O'Brien, Frat Pack, Will Ferrell

So Mark Malkoff has made an interesting revelation about Conan O’Brien’s failure that no one has noticed before him, and he calls it “The Will Ferrell Curse”. Anyone who booked Will Ferrell as their first guest on their new talk show did not have their show last long enough to finish the season. According to Malkoff, “He (Ferrel) was the first guest on John McEnroe’s talk show on CNBC which lasted six months. Next Ferrell was the first guest on the very talented Megan Mullally’s talk show that lasted a mere five months. Currently with Conan leaving Ferrell is zero for three.” Who knew the Funny or Die founder was such a popular first guest and would make so many talk shows live up to the last word in the title of his website…Die.
So if anyone is doing a new talk show and wants to get a $30 million settlement rather than do the show for year or more, just book Will Ferrell to get out of it.


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[ # 381584 ] Comment from leigh [January 20, 2010, 12:19 pm]


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