Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Big Brother: All-Star conspiracy?
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[ # ] Big Brother: All-Star conspiracy?
July 12th, 2006 under Big Brother- US


The "Big Brother" producers never envisioned this twist.According to several current All-Star players, another reality series star tried to tamper with the game before it even began.On the "Big Brother All-Star" 24/7 live feeds Tuesday night, several members of the Jedi Council (Season Six) Alliance spoke about phone calls they received from Toni Ferrari, the star of "Paradise Hotel," "Love Cruise," and "Kill Reality," prior to them appearing on the series.HouseGuest Janelle Pierzina explained how Ferrari and "Big Brother – All Stars" player Diane Henry were roommates but had a falling out. After Ferrari moved out, it is claimed she called "All-Star" players revealing Henry’s strategy of setting up a pre-series alliance (the so-called Mr. and Mrs. Smith Alliance) with Jase Wirey and possibly Alison Irwin and Nakomas (Jennifer) Dedmon. Others in the Season Six Alliance agreed that they too had received similar phone calls and spoke with Ferrari.The rumours about the calls have made Diane and Jase targets in the eyes of some HouseGuests.In the house, the revelations about Ferrari have grown into a theory that there are two HouseGuests playing the game as a couple who will be awarded a bonus if they make it to the final two.

Jam! Showbiz 

 This is going to get good! Wonder if anyone will be eliminated over this?


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