Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Beverly Hills 90210 coming back to TV on The CW?
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[ # ] Beverly Hills 90210 coming back to TV on The CW?
March 13th, 2008 under Beverly Hills 90210 / Melrose Place

The CW is working on Beverly Hills 90201 spinoff and that is all that The Hollywood Reporter knows as of now. It is not sure if it will be like Saved By The Bell: The New Class where Screech came back as a teacher and that was the connection to the original or if it will be like Degrassi: The Next Generation where the spinoff was based on the child of one of the original characters Spike. It will be interesting to see what they will do even though no one who worked on the original will be working on the show as of now. So why didn’t they just do a drama about a high school in Beverly Hills instead of claiming it is spinoff? Novel idea…no?
No word if they show has a good chance of being picked up, but The CW will two extra hours of programming to fill next season on Friday nights now that they have cancelled Smackdown.


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