Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Barbara Walters does her best Miley Cyrus!
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[ # ] Barbara Walters does her best Miley Cyrus!
December 18th, 2013 under David Letterman, The View

Barbara Walters read a specifically written Top 10 for her on The Late Show with David Letterman yesterday and who knew the serious news lady was so funny.
Top Ten Questions Never Before Asked by Barbara Walters starts off slow, but once she asks, “Anyone got a job for me?” things start to pick up. Then when she wants to know what Miley Cyrus has that she doesn’t, and you will quickly find out the answer to that one. Which brings us to a #1 on the list that is hilarious, but it might take you a second or two to get it. At least it took me a few seconds and once I got it I couldn’t stop laughing.
If this was the Barbara Walters we knew on The View, then maybe she wouldn’t be retiring from it.


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