(photo © ABC)
Barbara Walters announced on
The View today that this year’s Oscar special will be her last and it is about time!!! The 80 year old said, “ABC has asked me to keep doing these specials as they have been so successful — and I’m thrilled we have such great stars and have such a wonderful show — but to be honest, I feel like I’ve ‘been there, done that.'” Walters added, “This special has been a labor of love for 29 years. I will always remember when Hugh Jackman gave me a private lap dance or sitting down with the legendary Bette Davis or being taught to tango by Al Pacino. It’s those priceless moments that have made this special the Oscar tradition that it has become, but I truly feel enough is enough.” I guess that lap dance from Hugh Jackman was really that spectacular because after nearly 30 years of doing these special she decided to call quits after that. And I want to thank Hugh for that because Baba Wawa is so out of touch with today’s stars, I won’t miss her boring special. But for those of you who want to catch her one last time doing it, you can watch her before the Academy Awards at 7p on March 7th interviewing Sandra Bullock and Mo’Nique.
So who do you think they should get to replace her? Personally I think they should get rid of the special and just have more time dedicated to the red carpet and get the lesser known names seen instead of it all being about the A-List who say the same thing we have already heard them say!