Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Bang, zoom, pow, right in the kisser to The Honeymooners’ remake
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[ # ] Bang, zoom, pow, right in the kisser to The Honeymooners’ remake
December 15th, 2016 under CBS

In the age of reboots on television, some schmuck thought it was a good idea to bring back The Honeymooners. That’s right, they are screwing with one of the most beloved sitcoms for what?
If just hearing about it makes you want to send it to the moon, then finding out what it about will really make you want to scream. Here’s how The Hollywood Reporter described it, “The new take centers on two couples — best friends and neighbors like the original — who contend with a new dynamic when one couple remarries after divorcing four years earlier.” Isn’t that like so many other sitcoms? So why call it The Honeymooners?
Are you upset about it as I am?


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