Seriously? OMG! WTF? » AXL Rose explains the biting incident
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[ # ] AXL Rose explains the biting incident
July 5th, 2006 under Arrested, Axl Rose

GUNS N’ ROSES frontman AXL ROSE has defended allegedly biting a Swedish security guard during a drunken brawl, insisting he was protecting his personal assistant. The singer was held in a Stockholm jail after being arrested last week (27JUN06) and ordered to pay 10,000 kronor ($1,360/GBP756) in damages to the security guard. However, he argues the fine is unfair, because the hotel staffer was threatening his female aide. Rose says, "My assistant BETA and I were talking in the lobby of the hotel when security started to give us a hard time. "My only concern was to make sure she was okay." He added, "We had a great gig in Stockholm and I am not going to let this incident spoil that."

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He is so full of bull. 


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