Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Avengers: Endgame did OK at the box office
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[ # ] Avengers: Endgame did OK at the box office
April 28th, 2019 under Marvel Comics

A few weeks ago, I asked my friend, who camped out for a few of the Star Wars movies, what movie is going to break more records, Avengers: Endgame or Star Wars: Episode IX. Without hesitation, he said Avengers.

The weekend box office numbers are out now for the Marvel Comics Universe movie, and he was right. It made $350 domestically and $1.2 billion internationally. While that is very impressive, according to Box Office Mojo, it broke 20, yes 2-0, records including largest preview, Friday, Saturday, Sunday and combined weekend totals. The film made an average of $75,075 in 4,662 theaters.

I wonder if Disney wishes this was more like Avengers: Almost Endgame so that they could squeeze out on more sequel.

A lot of people went to see it, some multiple times, and I am not one of them. I still have to watch a bunch of previous movies in order to understand what is going on. Which hopefully by then, the theaters will be nearly empty as compared to being all full now.

Finally, how far does the movie have to go to be the #1 movie of all time domestically and internationally? Star Wars: The Force Awakens made $936,662,225 while Avatar made $2,787,965,087. So next weekend basically.

Have you seen it yet? Or am I the only one?


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