Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Ashley Benzo’s not so Pretty Little way to stop her nosebleed
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[ # ] Ashley Benzo’s not so Pretty Little way to stop her nosebleed
April 8th, 2011 under Freeform

Lucy Hale Tweeted a picture of her Pretty Little Liars’ co-star Ashley Benzo and she came up with a not so pretty way to stop it. You have to admit that it really is an interesting way to plug it up, you know since you are supposed to use that thing in one of the body’s other orifices?
I wonder who suggested using a Tampon to make it stop. Can you imagine that conversation? “Does anyone have a Tampax? I need it for Ashley’s nose?” That person must’ve gotten some really strange looks, kind of like the look I gave when I saw that photo of her.


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