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[ # ] Are SYTYCD’s Ivan and Allison dating?
August 9th, 2006 under SYTYCD Can you explain to us non-dancers what this "chemistry" thing is all about?
Chemistry is acting. Like in the contemporary piece with Allison, I really had to pretend that I was in love with her, like she was the one girl I’ve been waiting for my whole life, so I could get that emotion in there, and feel like every single time I touch her is priceless. Allison and I had a lot of time together and we worked on it. After the first week, we sat down and were like, "Hey, we need to make it seem like we’re a couple, because that’s what people want to see." And we worked our butt off to portray that. So when I get people asking me, "Are you and Allison hooking up?" I know I’ve hit my goal. We’re proud of that. Is that a danger to your personal life?
It is and it isn’t, because people who are close to me know the truth, they all know I have a girlfriend and I’m in love with her. And she knows that it’s all TV.

TV Guide’s Insider 

Now I am afraid to find out about Benjelle.


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