Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Are Samantha Who? and Ugly Betty in trouble?
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[ # ] Are Samantha Who? and Ugly Betty in trouble?
January 26th, 2009 under Ugly Betty

(photo © ABC)
ABC just announced they are changing Thursday up and they are replacing Ugly Betty with Samantha Who? and In The Motherhood starting on March 26th. Both comedies will finish their runs before Ugly Betty returns…if it returns? With this announcement I wonder if both shows, that have been declining, are in trouble for being picked up for next season because it is never a good sign when a show is yanked from the schedule. Also both shows have received noms for their lead actress at several big awards shows, but neither have brought home the gold for the last few years. And those wins help to keep a show on the air, look what happened to Boston Legal when it garnered no wins.
So when it comes to which show I want to be saved, hands down it would be Samantha Who? which still makes me laugh unlike Ugly Betty which seems like the same thing every week. Betty screws up, but eventually saves the day. Then again I could be just reading to much into it

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