Seriously? OMG! WTF? » April reveals her diagnosis to someone close on tonight’s Chasing Life
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[ # ] April reveals her diagnosis to someone close on tonight’s Chasing Life
July 1st, 2014 under Italia Ricci and Robbie Amell

Tonight at 9p on ABC Family’s Chasing Life, April (Italia Ricci) finally tells someone else that is very close to her, besides her best friend, that she has cancer. She does it while she is in a heated argument with that person, and then storms off after she shares the news. How will that person react? How will she react? How will you react? I can only answer the last one and I will warn you now, have the tissues ready because you will be crying. And just when you think that the tears will stop, they will start again as she finally gets her biopsy to see how far along she is with the Leukemia. This scene will make you feel like you are in the room with her, holding her hand. It is that well done.
I will admit, I had issues with the first two episodes of this show because I didn’t think they handled the cancer storyline correctly. But the last two episodes have really impressed me because they are finally dealing with it head on and the acting and writing is handling it perfectly.
So if you’ve never seen the show; you can watch the first 3 episodes online or on the ABC Family App, and then watch the fourth episode tonight. If you’ve been watching it since the beginning, tonight’s episode is a must not miss. So don’t miss it.


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