Seriously? OMG! WTF? » AP Bio flunks out of NBC
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[ # ] AP Bio flunks out of NBC
May 25th, 2019 under NBC

NBC is still deciding on the fate for a few of their show and AP Bio is no longer one of them. The show’s creator’s Mike O’Brien broke the sad news, “I’m intensely sad to announce that AP Bio will be ending after this season. This has been my favorite project of my life and that’s because of the amazing writers, cast and crew. As most canceled shows probably feel, I think we were just hitting our stride and everyone was still loving the work, so this is very hard. We have 4 left to air and they’re 4 of my favorites. Plus 22 others are on Hulu (for now) and Please check them out and tell a friend about the show and tell the people who worked on it that they did a good job!”

Ever since his tweet, #SaveAPBio has been trending on Twitter. Hopefully, someone will save the show, but I doubt it. Its ratings were more remedial than advanced placement. Then again, it would be nice to see it on FX where it could be a little more risque.

The Village (I hope they pick it up), Abby’s and Emeny Within are still waiting to find out if they will be back or not.


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