Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Anything But Cougar Town?
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[ # ] Anything But Cougar Town?
February 3rd, 2012 under Bill Lawrence

Cougar Town is the worst named show on television, so the cast took to FunnyOrDie and gave their own suggestions for a better title for the show. When all was said and done the best one they came up with was Anything But Cougar Town. I love it it and I hope they change it to that that next season. That is if ABC is wise enough to give the show, that will finally be back on TV this Valentine’s Day at 8:30p, another season.
So if you are not watching the sitcom because of the title, then get over it and show it so much needed love on Tuesday, February 14th. I promise Cougar Town will give you back all of that love and several glasses of wine. What more does a virgin need than love and lots of wine to make them go all the way? I swear the show will be gentle to you if it is your first time watching it.
To those of you are experienced with the show, it won’t be too rough on you and it will leave you extremely satisfied just like it always has.


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